October 2008
Dear Friends,
Thank you for all your support and prayers over the last few months as my husband, Bill recovered from his accident and near death experience. In a nutshell he was ejected from his motorcycle after it struck the guardrail on a wet switchback mountain road during a downpour. He was thrown 25’ then dropped another 25’ where he struck a fence post breaking his neck. He also broke his arm, 5 ribs, bruised his heart and punctured his lung. The latter injuries proved to be the most life threatening. I can’t say enough about the superb care he got at St Luke’s Hospital in Bethlehem Pa. Thank God our son Christoffer, was riding right behind him because I don’t think anyone would have found Bill for some time as the spot he landed was not visible from the road.
It has been a long road of recovery. He came home at the end of July after 3 ½ weeks in the hospital. He always kept a positive attitude in spite of his pain and limitations. His first day out visiting his brother proved to be very exhausting. That was discouraging for him because we had tickets for a concert in August that he was looking forward to, and now had to face the very real possibility that it might not be feasible. Rather than throw in the towel, Bill decided to try building up his stamina by walking our property. Luckily his legs were not injured. He walked it morning and evening which proved to be cathartic. Soon he was looking forward to his walks and he was doubling and tripling his distance. We made it to the concert [in a wheelchair]. We had a blast and we also discovered that the wheelchair sections are really good seats.
When it came to the response from people, Bill chose to take only the positive comments to heart. A former co-worker said, “Oh, this is really going to age you”. That remark was immediately tossed in the scrap heap. A dear friend and spiritual advisor came to visit; he brought a healing amulet and said, “You watch, in six months you’ll be fine. The body has amazing healing powers.” Amen to that!
I could go on and on because I am so fascinated with Bill’s courage and tenacity. He knew it would be a struggle and a test of spirit and that was the way he dealt with it. Not once did I see the slightest bit of self pity. Make no mistake; we also know that we were truly blessed. Blessed that it wasn’t worse; blessed for the skills of those who dedicate their lives to bringing people back from the brink of death; blessed for the love and support of our children; friends and family and blessed for all of you who kept us so faithfully in your prayers.
It has been less than four months since the accident, Bill has been totally released by all his doctors, and he has returned to work. He picked up his new bike and we have had two lovely rides admiring the majesty of autumn in the Poconos. Life is miraculous!
For all that went wrong…a lot went right! Please accept my deepest gratitude for your kind words of comfort that sustained me in the darkest times. I would like to leave you with a prayer that I say each time I get on the bike or behind the wheel. You can adapt it to fit your situation.
As a side note: After all he had been through; as I waited for our son Chris to bring my dear sweet husband home from the hospital, I see him get out of the car with flowers for me. What a guy!
Dear Lord, please bless this trip and return us home safely without harming anyone on the way.
Bless our family, friends, clients and all our loved ones.
Keep them safe, happy, healthy and living in Your Light.
Love and Light, Lori