Dear Friends, December 2016
What a year it’s been since my last bi-monthly newsletter! In January work started on my new office/laboratory. This is truly a blessing, because I was a “house-call” herbal and energy healing practice for many years. Now I can take office visits as an option as well. Since I tore my meniscus in my knee it was getting a bit cumbersome to lug around my Reiki table.
In April I had surgery on my “above mentioned” knee. I had to stop taking my Endocrine Strengthener a week before surgery to avoid any possible blood thinning plus I was under anesthesia for longer than expected. At times, it seems nothing is simple with me. But all and all it went well… except; I started loosing a patch of hair in the back of my head.
As some of you may know, I’d had alopecia totalis (no hair, eyebrows or eyelashes) for 11 years, from 1984-1995 but when I started taking my Endocrine Strengthener it cleared up and I’ve had hair for the last 21 years. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about the hair loss but as it were, once I started back on my herbs the hair falling stopped and my hair grew back in. I think it was a combination of the anesthesia and discontinuing my Endocrine Strengthener prior to surgery.
In May I turned 60 and my husband and children threw me a wonderful party complete with delicious food, cake, cocktails, streamers, decorations and a larger than life-sized picture of me. Oh my!!! So many friends and family came, old and new. I felt so blessed and completely loved. Also our daughter, Autumn got the new job she applied for which seems to be a perfect fit for her.
By June my office was complete and I was able to move into this magnificent space where I can do my research, product formulation, see clients and perform energy healing. I love it and it has made my practice so much more relaxed and uncomplicated.
Our grandson, Liam, graduated from Pleasant Valley high school…the same school his Mom and Dad graduated from. It made Bill and me so proud and grateful to have family so close. There is a lot to be said for putting down roots in an area that you love so much.
Another blessing was presented to us when a battle I, along with many locals in Kunkletown (and surrounding areas) had been fighting against Nestle came to a sudden and quite unexpected end in our favor. Nestle’ had been trying to weasel into nearby Eldred Twp via a landowner who wanted to lease his land that was over an aquifer which feeds our wells for many miles. Yes we are fortunate to have good, clean well water and we want to keep it that way. The DEP was no help whatsoever and it was beginning to look like it was going to be a long, expensive battle. Our hopes were dashed as we watched small communities around the country fail in their attempts to protect themselves from Nestlé’s greedy glut for free water. Thank goodness we had some very intelligent and tenacious people on our team.
In July Bill and I were so full of joy when our son Christoffer married the love of his life, Adrienne. She is a gentle soul and the sweetest daughter-in-law I could ever wish for. Her family blends so well with ours that we look forward to every event where we can come together.
In August Bill and I did a ride through the Pocono Mountains that concluded with about 5 or 6 laps around the Pocono Raceway. We reached 105 mph while the guys on the crotch rockets ran circles around us. I had the pleasure of fostering four kittens this summer. We kept one and named him Bear. He is definitely Bill’s cat; Bear follows him around like a puppy.
I’ve had so many happy reports this year from my clients whose hair returned after taking Endocrine Strengthener. Many have informed me that they have avoided surgery when their fibroid tumors dissolved after using Fem Fit along with castor oil packs. Several migraine sufferers have told me they feel like they’ve gotten their lives back when Migraine Remedy stopped their headaches. I always tell my Fibromyalgia clients that if the follow my Candida Recommendations for one month they will feel like a new person and I’m happy to say that I’ve had dozens report that they didn’t believe me but they followed it through and they are believers now. I love my job but sadly I am seeing far more autoimmune disorders in children who have just been vaccinated.
My next battle is fighting mandatory vaccination in Pennsylvania, insisting on safer vaccines, keeping informed consent and conscientious exemption in place.
Thank you all for keeping The Healing Path going since 2002. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah. As we lovingly remember those we have lost this year, may we look forward to a Blessed New Year.
Love and Light, Lori