October 2010
Dear Friends,
Here we are again facing another flu season. I worry when I see mothers filing into drug stores, department and grocery stores with their children in tow, for their flu shots. Oh, and what a convenience… this year the swine flu and seasonal flu will be combined so you will only need ONE SHOT! Pardon my sarcasm but I get furious when I think of the way big pharma overmedicates us and poisons us while our medical professionals turn their backs on safe, time tested natural remedies. Are we so arrogant as to believe that our immune system is inferior to the toxins we inject into our bodies?
I am so grateful that I have a wonderful and highly skilled MD who believes in using the best of both natural and allopathic medicine. He has told me that he will never give a flu vaccine because he considers them to be too dangerous.
Did you know that Australia suspended the vaccine for children under 5 after 1 death and 44 cases of children having violent seizures and vomiting after their flu vaccine. Finland’s National Institute for Health and Welfare has suspended the use of the H1N1 vaccine after the shot is linked to a 300 % increase in cases of narcolepsy, (a neurological disorder) among children and young adults. India halts vaccine programs when four children died after they received the measles vaccination in Lucknow. Australian Flu Vaccine Dangers 2010
I believe that the best indication of what an organization will do in the future is to look at what it has done in the past.
In 1976 four soldiers in Fort Dix NJ came down with swine flu and one died. The dead soldier collapsed during a drill and the sergeant tried but was unable to revive him. Panic ensued and wide scale vaccines were administered. They ran commercials that were obviously meant to scare the bejesus out of you. Many said that if this flu was strong enough to take down a young strong soldier, it must be devastating to anyone and everyone.
At that time I had just lost my second full term baby. I was understandably in a bad way; I don’t mind saying I was quite nervous about that upcoming flu season. Something told me not to do it and I never did get that vaccine in 1976. In fact I’ve never had any vaccine since I was a child.
Vaccine stations were set up everywhere and before long people started coming down with neurological damage including Guillain Barre Syndrome. Some 4000 people were damaged or died from the vaccines. In 1979 we learned that the soldier who died, left his sick bed to go on a forced march with full ruck pack; the sergeant who gave him cpr never got sick. This was the catastrophic event that precipitated government’s campaign to push the need for mandatory mass vaccination???? CBS 60 Minutes.
In 2006 it was learned that Bayer sold millions of dollars worth of an injectable blood-clotting medicine — Factor VIII concentrate, intended for hemophiliacs — to Asian, Latin American, and some European countries in the mid-1980s, although they knew that it was tainted with AIDS. Bayer sells AIDS infected drug
In the 1960’s Merck introduces 25- 100 monkey viruses along with SV40 [cancer causing virus] in their polio vaccine, which was incubated in monkey kidneys. Merck spreads cancer in vaccine
In the light of this information, do you think we have any reason to distrust the pharmaceutical corporation? And what can you expect when you or your children receive a vaccine? We don’t really know, but it might contain mercury, aluminum, (neurotoxins) adjutants such as MF59® or squalene (immune disrupters and thought to be the cause of Gulf War Syndrome), formaldehyde, Monosodium glutamate or antibiotics. This is besides the many biological contaminants that it may inadvertently contain. I don’t know about you but I choose not to play Russian roulette with my (or my children’s) health. FDA List of Vaccine Ingredients.
Can we sue for damages if the vaccine injures us? No, not with the H1N1 flu vaccine or any vaccine that is scheduled for a pandemic use; it falls under the “Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Waver”. You will have no recourse.
As a side note: I live fairly close to Pennsylvania Dutch country. While all over America the rate of autism runs anywhere from 1 in 166 – 1 in 70, in the Amish country there are only 3 known cases of Autism. One is from a Mennonite home who was adopted from China were she got her vaccines before she came to America. Another one was vaccinated at the urging of a health department worker. It is uncertain if the third child was vaccinated.
A community in Cook County Ill has at least two things in common with thousands of Amish children in rural Lancaster: They have never been vaccinated. And they don’t have autism. “We have about 30,000 or 35,000 children that we’ve taken care of over the years, and I don’t think we have a single case of autism in children delivered by us who never received vaccines,” said Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, Homefirst’s medical director who founded the practice in 1973.
There are so many healthy ways to prevent sickness. Eat healthy whole foods, get enough fiber, drink enough water. Don’t cook with Teflon (or any coated cookware) Don’t heat foods in plastic. Take a good multi-vitamin and vitamins D and C. Keep your immune system strong with my Endocrine Strengthener and read my newsletters for lots of other tips to live a long and healthy life. The Healing Path Newsletters
Please don’t take my word for it; do your own research before you or your children are vaccinated.
Love and Light, Lori