June 2010
Dear Friends,
Psoriasis and Eczema are tough conditions. Anyone who has it can tell you that topical treatments work for a while and then the scales return again. Sometimes trying a new cream will minimize the symptoms but nothing seems to be permanent.
Many times psoriasis and eczema are a result of intestinal permeability known as leaky gut syndrome in which the stomach does not absorb nutrients properly and they pass through the intestines. Instead of being digested these molecules are passed into the bloodstream where the immune system attacks them as foreign bodies; this creates an autoimmune situation. It also over taxes the liver as the liver tries to purify the blood.
Often Leaky Gut Syndrome is the result of poor balance of good and bad bacteria in the intestinal tract. One course of broad-spectrum antibiotics can disrupt intestinal flora and cause a condition known as “Candida Overgrowth” or “Candida Infection” Please refer to my paper, “Candida Recommendations”. This can be found on my website.
If you want to see substantial results, here are some changes you can make:
-In Order of Importance-
- Add “Hepa-Health” from “The Healing Path” to your daily supplements to support liver function. This is important to help your liver filter impurities.
- Each day after your shower, apply sesame seed oil to effected areas.
- Remove white flour and sugar from your diet as well as all refined carbs. Use “stevia” for a sweetener. It’s and herb not an artificial sweetener.
- Limit your intake of carbohydrates to 10-15 grams per meal for one month then gradually increase to 20-25 grams per meal; follow the South
- Beach Diet, Zone Diet or just count carbs.
- Make sure that the carbohydrates that you do consume are whole grains and unrefined.
- Take Probiotics: Eat yogurt [with live cultures] and raw sauerkraut [the kind in bags] to replace healthy bacteria in the gut and bowels.
- Take an Omega-3 supplement. [Cod liver or flaxseed oil]
- Get 25-30 grams of dietary fiber daily. You may be gassy at first until your body acclimates.
- Take hot mineral baths at least once a week. [See recipe for Detox Bath Salts on this website
- Eat salmon at least once a week. It is a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids.
Make your own topical treatment for psoriasis and use two times daily by applying to affected areas. Do this if the sesame oil alone doesn’t work. Recipe follows:
Psoriasis Gel
- ½ cup aloe vera gel
- 3 tablespoons grapeseed or sesame oil [I prefer sesame]
- ½ teaspoon zanthan gum [to thicken and blend oil with gel]
- 15 drops ginger essential oil
- 15 drops rosemary essential oil
- 15 drops lavender essential oil
- 15 drops geranium essential oil
Whip mixture until smooth.
Love and Light, Lori