Dear Friends,
Though it has been almost three months since my last newsletter it seems the time has flown by. Our fly and ride vacation to Arizona was spectacular but as with most vacations I hit the ground running upon return home.
In my practice I deal with many people seeking renewal of health either physically, spiritually, emotionally, or mentally. Though I am not foolish enough to think I can help everybody I can give you some tips on understanding the complex process of healing. What makes us ill and why do we become ill? Is it a mutation of cells, poor diet, a genetic anomaly or our negative thoughts coming back to haunt us? One thing for certain is that our illnesses and our healing are highly personal and we must take an active role in our recovery. Flexibility is your greatest ally when you have discovered you are ill and rigidity your most formidable enemy.
First, on the physical level, learn everything you can about your particular ailment and the variety of treatments available. Ask as many questions of your doctor as you can. If you are not comfortable with the response or feel that you are being patronized find a new doc who is respectful of your wishes to be an active participant in your recovery. Improve your diet by eating more fresh vegetables eliminating highly processed foods and include more healthy oils such as olive, grapeseed and canola. Only eat healthy whole grains and include more fish and healthy proteins. Also get more fiber in your diet and drink more water. Rare are the individuals that get enough of either.
Next step, try to look at your disorder in a spiritual or symbolic way. Have you been burning the candle at both ends and now you HAVE to slow down? Has your illness caused a family that is split to come together? If mobility is your problem have you been afraid to move forward? If you have chronic urinary tract infections; is it because you are pissed off? If you have heart problems have you been blocking your emotions? You see how many different messages an illness can deliver? But the most common message is that it is time for change, time to acknowledge a part of your being you have denied and is now demanding attention.
What was your first memory as a child; was it traumatic, pleasant, funny or confusing? What has happened in your life that caused you the most pain? Take a total accounting of your emotional life and allow yourself to feel what you have been repressing. A very wise man once told me, “You can’t heal what you can’t feel” Once you have acknowledged and nourished that part of your being, MOVE ON! Don’t become one of those people who define themselves by their emotional scars and physical deficiencies. The idea is to heal not to live in a perpetual state of victim-hood. These people are but a mere shell of what they were meant to be.
And finally keep an eye on your mind’s chatter. Our thoughts can run amuck over our lives without us even realizing it. If you truly pay attention to the ticker tape of thoughts that run through your mind (about yourself) you might be very surprised. If you overheard someone saying those things about you, you would be thoroughly hurt. Yet we tolerate it from the negative little person that resides in our head and by ignoring him he has had free reign. These thoughts are harmful and can manifest on a physical level as a variety of diseases. So replace them with positive affirmations. “I am a loving extension of God’s Light” “I trust life and my role in it” “I am safe in the Divine Light” I encourage you to make up your own positive affirmations.
Thoughts have great power! Use them to your advantage not to your detriment!!!
Cover all angles when trying to restore health, leave no stone unturned and heal well.
Love and Light, Lori