February 2006
Dear Friends,
How are you? It’s a question we ask or answer probably on a daily basis. When asked this question do you truly and honestly think about it? Chances are your response is more of a “knee jerk” reaction. “Fine” or “No sense in complaining; no one will listen” we are all guilty of this. But today let’s talk about how you can feel better.
Our immune system or endocrine system is made up of delicate lymphatic nodes and endocrine glands throughout our body; they are very sensitive organs of high intelligence that adjust constantly to our body’s ever changing conditions. Like any finely tuned instrument, these organs can become clogged and polluted by the chemicals, additives, antibiotics and toxins that are in our food and environment. So please eat foods that are as close to their natural state as possible and avoid prepackaged processed food. If you don’t understand the ingredients; chances are you don’t want to eat it. You can read more in the newsletter archives of my website. Look up (Let Food be Thy Medicine October 2004). www.myhealingpath.com
Make no mistake; our immune system is a powerful warrior protecting us from invading forces. However, even the most powerful of warriors need the proper armor and weapons to do battle. This is your responsibility keep your immune system up to snuff!
Today I would like to provoke you to think about keeping the inside of your body as clean as the outside. Let’s assume that you are following the good eating habits that we have previously talked about. Good! Now, what is the first necessity when it comes to washing? And I don’t mean soap. Yes, Water, one of the basics of life, second only to oxygen. So drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to help flush out toxins. And very important now; drink a glass first thing in the morning. Yes, before your coffee!
Now as you know; sometimes when we wash we need a little more than just water when cleansing, so I suggest an herbal supplement and more specifically Endocrine Strengthener (this is more like the soap). I developed this formula specifically to address the needs of our overly taxed immune system. The herbs in Endocrine Strengthener help cleanse and nourish the lymphatic and endocrine systems and help protect them from the daily onslaught of food additives, toxic medicines, smoke and chemicals to which we are constantly exposed.
Eat enough fiber; 20-30 grams daily. And preferably get the bulk of it from vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, collar greens, and kale. This can be obtained even if you are on a low carb diet. You can supplement this with Metamucil or the generic equivalent. Beans or legumes are a great source of fiber and are cheap and delicious.
Next…Raw, non-pasteurized, naturally fermented apple cider vinegar. Take a shot glass of this daily; it will aid digestion and relieve if not cure acid reflux.
We will talk more about the multifaceted immune system because it is complex. I believe that sleep, attitude, exercise and spirituality are all parts of the immune system. But change can be difficult, so start small with these adjustments. You’ll see a positive difference in the first week. I’ll re-cap…
1) At least 8 glasses of good water daily (1 glass first thing in morning)
2) Endocrine Strengthener (from) www.myhealingpath.com
3) 20-30 grams of fiber daily
4) naturally fermented apple cider vinegar (one shot daily)
Even if you are highly toxic due to a Candida overgrowth, you will feel better after making these alterations. I’ll be glad to talk to you individually if you have any questions about candida. And next time someone asks you how you are, I hope you say, “Wonderful!” and mean it with all your heart because you deserve it!!!!
Love and Light, Lori