Dear Friends,
Often I have been asked to explain how Energy healing works and more specifically distance healing.
I don’t know about other’s techniques, so I will just speak only for myself. I was born with the gift of Healing, poetry and music, (the first being my stronger suit). All of us come to the planet with different gifts from God in a plan to use them to help others. Some fulfill that promise, and yet others get side tracked by life and its many difficulties.
My gift of healing was a trust bestowed on me by God. It was transferred down through many generations of healers in my family, most notably, my Maternal Grandmother Anna, a wise and gentle soul. I was blessed having lived with her and learned from her first hand by practical experience. Though she died when I was 14, she had a great impact on my life.
In my case, and all real healers, Energy healing cannot be altered or used for negative purposes. It doesn’t transfer strength from the healer to the client. Rather, it flows from God’s Universe through the healer to the client, healing both.
Universal Energy is every where; in the healer’s body; your body and the space that surrounds us as well. Our bodies utilize this Energy through the chakra system. This Energy is the innate intelligence that guides our immune system; releases insulin and directs the sperm toward the egg as well as the innumerable other functions our bodies carry out to keep us alive. The process of living is wrought with problems such as stress; injuries and off-centered thinking patterns. This can block our chakra centers, restricting the flow of this essential Energy to our bodies, thus creating all the diseases that plague humankind.
During a healing, energy is drawn through the crown of my head and flows through the palms of my hands to the recipient. The body’s vibration is raised and the chakras are balanced promoting healing in the mental; physical; emotional; and spiritual bodies.
Within my practice, there is no difference in quality of healing, whether I see a person directly, or through distance healing. God’s own Universal Healing is not concerned with distance or time or space. Healing can be sent around the world or universe forward or backward in time. It is not governed by the same laws that dominated our physical world.
That being said, do you know who are most excited and surprised after a treatment? Atheists and agnostics! Why? Because they don’t think anything is going to happen. This never fails to amuse me. I had one gentleman jump off the table when I was done and look at me in bewilderment. You could see his mind racing to reevaluate everything he thought he knew. Energy healing can be as simple or as complex as you want to make it.
Real healers know that God allows Healing Energy to flow through the Master Healer. As a channel for God, the healer does not absorb the illness, disease or ailment. The healer transfers energy which replenishes the recipient. The lower base energy is returned to God where it is purified.
I have also heard phony healers say “I have been healing all day and I have depleted my energy”. Hogwash! A real healer is more energized after a healing. The God given gift of Healing Energy goes through the healer to the person receiving. God leaves abundance with the healer after his/her work is done. What loving God would give someone the gift of Healing and then drain the Healer, leaving HIS helpmate exhausted or depleted? Wouldn’t give you much incentive to help would it? Sometimes I will incorporate Reiki, especially for distance healing. I am a Reiki Master and I perform this mode of healing as I respect the Reiki principles. It is not exclusive; I mostly rely on God, my own natural gift, intuition, and desire to help humanity.
Be good to yourself and others and keep smiling.
Love and Light, Lori.
The Healing Pillow
Do it Yourself Energy Healing
The Healing Pillow is an eye pillow that is filled with an organic grain. It is very soothing when placed over the eyes. Use it anywhere you have an injury; illness or desire healing. This is no ordinary eye pillow. It is programmed to channel healing energy. It may be heated in the microwave or cooled in the freezer or just left at room temperature to suit your preference. The Healing Pillow comes complete with washable pillowcase. It is the next best thing to having your own healer at your disposal.
How this came about: I always used an eye pillow during my healing treatments. I’d place the eye pillow gently over my client’s eyes as they lay on their back. It is very pleasant and calming. One very busy day I needed a ten minute power nap? I laid down and fell instantly into a lucid dream state. In this state I saw myself performing a healing attunement on an eye pillow. This is the same attunement that I would perform on a student who wishes to learn to be a healer. Just as I realized how odd this was I noticed one of my spirit guides watching me. At this point my embarrassment had reached its apex and I was ready to interrupt the attunement. My guide put his hand on me encouraging me to continue. He told me that even an inanimate object can be an open portal for transmitting God’s Love and Light. As soon as he told me this a feeling came over me as though it was something that I had always known. I woke up and immediately performed the attunements on all the eye pillows as well as a Christian prayer I had. I then passed them out to friends and family. I asked for honest reports of the pillow’s effect. It didn’t take long before many positive reports found their way back to me and I was confident enough to add it to my line of products. I wish you love health and happiness along your healing path.

Healing Bandana
I am schooled in Reiki, Nancy Bradley School of Healing, Quantum Touch and Pranic Healing I have reached the level of Master in the prior two. I have learned that inanimate objects can become a tool for healing. Healing takes place in many forms. In fact any item can become a channel for healing when it has been attuned with God’s love and light. Since then I have used many things as healing channels; eye pillows; bandanas; stuffed animals or blankets for children and premature babies or anything that fits the need. I find the bandana is very convenient since it can be wrapped on limbs; used for pets or simply carried in your pocket.