September 2011
Dear Friends,
Fall is just around the corner and I have been asked to choose two tinctures to help you regain or remain healthy as the calendar hurdles toward cold weather when we will be spending more time indoors.
Two things come to mind when I think about spending the winter months inside:
1) We can look forward to more colds from breathing recycled dry air that dehydrates our nasal passages. We also come in contact with germs and bacteria, which grow freely in the warm climate.
2) We do not get the full spectrum light that we get from being in the sun and this causes many to come down with a depression called SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
To prevent the flu and colds that are all too abundant in the cold months I suggest Endocrine Strengthener. It will support, and balance the immune system using herbs such as pau d’ arco, ginger, kelp and black haw to support the adrenal and lymphatic system. I take it year round and I’ve almost forgotten what a cold is. Also use a humidifier to prevent nasal passages from becoming dry and cracked.
For depression, I make a tincture called Blissful Spirit. It utilizes St. Johnswort and Mimosa to relieve symptoms of depression, anxiety and panic disorder. You may want to consider replacing any fluorescent bulbs in your home to full spectrum bulbs.
Enjoy beautiful sights, scents and tastes of autumn!
Love and Light, Lori