July 2011
Dear Friends,
So here is the scenario…You’ve made it through the looonnnggg winter season of endless cold, rain, sleet and snow. Then finally spring arrives at last; the clouds part, the sun comes out, flowers burst forth and Aaaachoooo! What’s this? ALLERGY SEASON! It’s a cruel and ironic turn of events. Just when you think you are past those days of colds and sniffles here you are smack dab in the middle of itchy eyes and sneezes.
The truth is, allergies are a sign of an impaired immune system. Pollen is a normal part of your environment and benign in character. So let’s talk about a few ways to strengthen the immune system so we can sidestep this annoyance. It also bears saying here that all these techniques can be used to circumvent allergy-triggered asthma.
First and foremost, here are the basics. Keep your immune system in tiptop shape by a healthy diet. Here are some of the basics. Avoid grains; eliminate sugar, high fructose corn syrup and white flour. Eat 5 servings of vegetables and fruits daily, with an emphasis on the vegetables and be sure to avoid GMOs (genetically modified organisms). Allow yourself enough time for sleep and exercise. Also because we are exposed to more toxins now than in any other time in history, it is important to supplement your diet with herbal immune support through herbs such as ginger, pau d’ arco, kelp, licorice and echinacea. Or you can use The Healing Path’s Endocrine Strengthener, which has all of the above, and more. You also must learn healthy coping skills to deal with emotional stress and relationship problems. This is one area that is often overlooked because most people believe it has little to do with the “physical” when in fact, your emotional state has direct bearing on your future physical state. You may want to learn yoga, meditation or see a life coach.
So now… you are following all the basic tenets of health but you still are having allergy symptoms. Don’t be exasperated; you have more health options opened to you.
Use a neti pot for nasal irrigation, once or twice a day. The same yellowish dust that coats your car and patio table also fills your nasal passages, and can cause enough irritation to trigger an allergic reaction and/or sinus infection. Using the neti pot simply washes away the irritants causing the allergy symptoms. If you have never used a neti pot before you can find instructions on my website (and I promise you, it is not as bad as you are imagining).
This next method I just love. It is beautiful in its simplicity. Are you ready? Take a teaspoon or up to a tablespoon of LOCAL unpasteurized honey in the morning and again in the evening. How easy is that? The idea is that locally produced honey contains pollen spores picked up by the bees from the local plants and, when consumed, acts as a natural inoculation against the very species of plants triggering allergic reaction. This is essentially a homeopathic alternative to allergen immunotherapy injections (“allergy shots”).
EFT (sometimes called “Tapping”) is a form of psychological acupressure, based on the same energy meridians used in traditional acupuncture to treat physical and emotional ailments for over five thousand years, but without the invasiveness of needles. Instead, simple tapping with the fingertips is used to input kinetic energy onto specific meridians on the head and chest while you think about your particular problem – whether it is allergies, trauma, addiction, pain, etc. to learn more about EFT go to www.EFTuniverse.com
I hope this has been helpful to you. I share this with you in the hopes of assisting you to choose natural ways that don’t pollute you with chemicals in the attempt to over-ride the innate intelligence born into our human bodies.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an action, but a habit. Aristotle 384-322BC
Love and Light, Lori