The Healing Path

Wild Lettuce


The ancient herb Wild Lettuce has long been known to relieve chronic back pain, knee pain and old injuries.


Wild Lettuce

Herbal Tincture Wild Lettuce for Pain Relief


Wild Lettuce is specifically for those suffering from chronic pain such as old injuries that have been addressed but continue to be painful. There’s a bitter, milky white substance in the stem and leaves of wild lettuce that contains two active compounds, lactucopicrin and lactucin, both of which attach to opioid receptors and produce pain relief. This plant is a powerful herbal pain reliever, hence why the plant is often called “opium lettuce.”
The components which provide pain relief are known as lactones. They act on the central nervous system to calm the nerves which cause pain sensations. Wild lettuce has been extensively studied and repeatedly shown to reduce pain. The name “opium lettuce” is a misnomer though. While the plant will relieve pain, don’t expect the hardcore sedative effects of opium. It is more comparable to a high dosage of ibuprofen.
The good news though is that it will relieve pain without causing the negative effects of opium or NSAIDs. It is non-addictive and you won’t develop a tolerance to it.


☯ Do you have Chronic Pain from a knee injury?

Broken Bones that continue to be painful?

☯ Have you had a Neck Injury that continues to be painful?

☯ Do you get serious Menstrual Cramps or Muscular Pain?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you could benefit from the pain relief of Wild Lettuce.


Not recommended for those with enlarged prostate or glaucoma.


Side Effects/Alternative Uses for Wild Lettuce

☯ Excellent for Nervous Disorders

☯ Helpful for those with Asthma

☯ Great for Insomnia

☯ Useful for Migraines

☯ Calms nagging coughs

Weight 8.5 oz


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