The Healing Path


Tincture of Stevia



The Healing Path’s Tincture of Stevia is to be used for Lyme’s Disease, as an anti-microbial/parasitic, to protect liver and improve blood pressure.

Tincture of Stevia (stevia rebaudiana)

Treatment of Lyme Disease


This tincture was specially formulated for those who have been diagnosed or suspect they have Lyme disease after being bitten by a deer tick. 

☯ Are you a carrier of Lyme disease?
☯ Do you have high Blood Sugar levels?
☯ Laboratory studies have shown that Stevia A (whole leaf Stevia extract) was more effective at killing borrelia than the antibiotics doxycycline, cefoperazone, and daptomycin which many Lyme patients continue to rely on for Lyme treatment.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you could benefit from the use of Stevia.

Side Effects 

Alternative Uses for Stevia

☯ Helps balance and normalize Blood Sugar
☯ Helps cleanse the liver and prevents liver disease.
☯ kaempferol in stevia can reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer by 23%
☯ stevioside in stevia is a vasodilator to help reduce Blood Pressure.


You may start your Lyme protocol with any of the four recommended herbs, However, I have found that it is best to start with Tincture of Sweet Annie.

If you start your protocol with Tincture of Thyme, it is advisable to follow the graduated dosage to avoid uncomfortable symptoms that comes with a quick die off of parasites.

If you don’t have Lyme disease you may dose with 10 – 30 DROPS 2 times daily for preventive measures.

Dosing Guidelines for Lyme Disease:

Day one: 10 drops in water
Day two: 10 drops 2 times daily
Day three: 10 drops 3 times daily
Day four: 15 drops 3 times daily
Day five : 20 drops 3 times daily
Stay at highest dosage for 3 months.

Then switch to Thyme, Knotweed or Sweet Annie tincture for three months.
This is the recommended graduated dosage when first starting your treatment. In three months, you will discontinue the Tincture of Stevia start the next tincture You can continue the new tincture with the highest dosage you’ve worked up to. ie: 20 drops 3 times daily.

For instance: If you ended your three months of Stevia, at the dosage of 20 drops 3 times daily, then that is the dosage you would start your next tincture of Thyme, Sweet Annie or Knotweed.

The Maximum recommended dose is one dropper (25 drops) per 100 lbs of body weight three times daily.
(only after going through the above protocol)
Herbal tinctures can be taken with or without food; because it is in tincture form it is absorbed quickly into the blood stream.

*After you have been on maximum dose for 30 days, discontinue for 36-48 hrs. (no longer than 36 hours for dogs); this encourages the spirochetes to come out of their protective cyst form. When you resume the tincture, they will be eliminated. Repeat this process every month.
Also, consider your diet and lifestyle. If you eat healthy, (plenty of fruits and vegetables, proper protein, 25 grams of fiber per day, no white flour or sugar) and get regular exercise, you most certainly will speed up your recovery.
For dogs or cats considered removing all corn, grain (and GMOs) from their diet.

* Lyme disease Protocol


Weight 8.5 oz


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