Lori Jacobs Herbalist Energy Healer
I am an Herbalist, Energy Healer living in Pennsylvania where I enjoy country living, the company of Bill, my husband of 50 years; as well as our daughter, son-in-law, son, daughter-in-law and three grandchildren. Working on developing new herbal tinctures, gardening and riding motorcycle with my husband in the company of our friends and family are some of my favorite things to do.
It was a series of events that caused me to find a wonderfully effective treatment for alopecia areata and other autoimmune disorders. In 1995 our teenage daughter became very ill with Epstein Barr Syndrome. Unable to find an effective allopathic treatment for her, I followed my instincts and made a tincture of safe herbs that support the immune system, which I called Endocrine Strengthener. The treatment was very effective and our daughter’s health was restored in a month’s time.
After my daughter’s recovery, I started taking the Endocrine Strengthener myself. I’d had Alopecia Totalis (balding with no eyebrows or eyelashes) for 11 years for which I had to wear a wig. Within a month I noticed notable hair growth and I’ve had hair ever since. Some time after that, many of my clients with autoimmune disorders, fibromyalgia, migraines and more have benefited from this formula as well, along with many other of my originally formulated tinctures.