When trying to lower your blood pressure naturally you must commit yourself to the fact that this needs to be addressed from several angles… Lifestyle (this includes mental attitudes) Supplements and Diet. It’s a good idea to incorporate some positive affirmations.
Here is an outline that I hope will be helpful to you.
Blood Pressure 100 Plus Your Age
Medical research shows that as we age, blood pressure rises slightly to accommodate an increased demand of oxygen and nutrients. It is completely natural for the first number (systolic) to be 100 plus our age. A January 2000 study, by a group of UCLA researchers, came very close to corroborating Dr. Piette’s guide for blood pressure of 100 plus your age for men, subtracting 10 for women, and this is after this rule had been in use for five or more decades. Are we now being taught that Dr. Piette’s guide for blood pressure is wrong merely for drug company profit?
* Check blood pressure 2-3 times daily (at the same time of day) Sit quietly for 5 minutes before starting. If you don’t own an automatic Blood Pressure Monitor, you will have to purchase one. They can be obtained at most drug stores or department stores.
“Normal” Blood pressure is 140 over 80 or lower or the systolic (Top number) could be your age + 100 but no higher than that.
Of course our blood pressure is always changing so try not to get too hung up on these numbers. If it is high when you take your blood pressure, try to notice any physical symptoms you are feeling such as irritability, slight headache, tightening or a throbbing sensation in hands or face. This will help alert you in the future when it is high. Keep in mind these symptoms are subtle and you may have no symptoms at all.
To help the body, regulate itself, without the use of medications, you must first look to the nervous system. Any nerve interference especially in the upper thoracic region which controls heart and lung function will directly affect blood pressure. Proper chiropractic treatments on this area of nerves can be stimulated resulting in normal function being restored to your system and the body will be able to regulate itself accordingly.
If you are on B. P. meds, continue taking them while following this plan. When your blood pressure is on the low end of normal you may be able to wean yourself off BP meds by taking them every other day while taking the herbs and supplements I recommend. Discuss this with your doctor. (I have to say that)
* Refrain from saunas until your blood pressure is under control, 140/80 or less.
* Start an exercise and/or yoga and meditation program.
* If your BP is high try using a “square breathing technique” to lower it. Instructions below.
* Walk each day. Try to walk for at least twenty minutes. Or better yet; do a walking meditation. All this entails is repeating a phrase in your mind over and over as you walk. I like to use a positive affirmation such as – “I am grateful for my blessings.” Or, you can use phases such as, “chirping birds”, “spring flowers” or “autumn leaves.”
* Each day, try doing something that brings you joy. I don’t care if it’s a favorite craft, clipping coupons, playing cards or doing a crossword puzzle. When you make time to do this, you reduce stress.
* Breathe deep long slow breathes. Several times a day do this and imagine all tension and negativity being released with every exhale.
* Load up on oxygen using this method: Take a deep breath, filling your lungs, but exhale normally. Do this 30 times if possible. If you get dizzy, take your time and build up to the optimal 30 breaths.
* Be mindful of your mental chatter. Correct it when you find it is being too self critical or critical of others. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Here are some examples:
• I face problems with calm assurance.
• My body desires only healthy foods.
• I am calm and courageous.
• I am healthy in all aspects of my being.
• Every cell in my body vibrates with energy and health.
• I am well, I am whole and I am strong.
• Here is an affirmation specifically for high blood pressure – I joyously release the past. I am at peace.
Olive leaf – 3 capsules morning and evening
Grape seed extract 150-300 mgs. Daily
Omaga-3 – 1200 mg daily
Hawthorn Berries – 3 capsules morning and evening
Ginkgo – 240 mgs. Daily
Vitamin D – 2000 IU daily
Coenzyme Q10 – 150 mgs. Daily
Calcium – 1 – 1.5 grams daily [1000-1500 mgs]
Potassium – 800-1500 mgs daily
Magnesium – 500 mg.
1/2 cup of organic beet juice daily
Happy Heart from The Healing Path
Tincture of White Pine.
Eliminate: Sugar; White flour; White rice; Trans-fats and lower your intake of carbohydrates.
Add: Fresh garlic; turmeric; cayenne and fresh ginger root. (Garlic and ginger root blend very well in a stir fry dish). If you have trouble adding these because of distaste for them you can purchase them in capsule form. Eat more organic celery.
Add healthy fats such as Salmon; Olive oil; Grapeseed oil, coconut oil and Flaxseed oil.
Limit meats by shifting to a plant based diet.
Add Legumes: Beans; Lentils; Garbanzo beans; Kidney beans etc.
Add Green leafy vegetables: spinach; collard greens; Swiss chard; kale etc.
Introduce Healthy roots: Turnips; fresh garlic; parsnips; rutabaga; radishes
Add Fresh fruits: apples; peaches; pears; papaya; mangos; strawberries; blueberries; oranges; grapefruit etc.
A Word About Salt
It’s not the salt that’s bad for your heart, within reason of course. You will want to pay attention to this while you are trying to lower your blood pressure naturally. There are some additives that can be very detrimental . Notice the second ingredient… Sodium silicoaluminate. This form of silica (quartz) is similar to ground glass. This gets into your blood stream and scratches the inside of your arteries causing little wounds. Your body reacts by patching these little wounds with cholesterol to protect the integrity of your arteries.
How can you avoid this? Buy raw salt that’s not processed.
Pink Himalayan salt, Hawaiian salt. I have been avoiding sea salt lately due to mercury and Fukushima radiation.
You will also benefit from 96 trace minerals that are absent in our soils due to over farming with herbicides and pesticides.
If you want a cheaper version for salting pasta water, look for a kosher salt with no added ingredients. It won’t have the benefit of trace minerals but it won’t have the detriment of silica.

The additive of concern is sodium silicoaluminate which is added to keep the salt from caking.
Sodium silicoaluminate, may also be listed as:
Amorphous sodium aluminosilicate
sodium aluminosilicate
aluminium sodium salt,
aluminosilicic acid,
sodium salt,
sodium aluminium silicate,
aluminum sodium silicate
sodium silico aluminate
Square Breathing Technique: to be used anytime you need to restore calm
*Sit comfortably with your feet on the floor (this step is not totally necessary as you can use square breathing anytime)
1) Take a slow breath in through your nose while counting slowly to 4.
2) Hold the breath in for another slow count of 4.
3) Exhale through your mouth for a slow count of 4.
4) Hold again for a slow count of 4.
*Continue 1-5 minutes or until you begin to feel calm.
*This will also derail a panic attack.